About Well Home Services
Tony Vassallo has over 35 years of experience in electrical, plumbing, and carpentry. His expertise extends into the realm of building performance, having held certifications from the Building Performance Institute in building analysis, envelope evaluation, and heating and cooling systems.
During the early 2000s, Tony served as Long Island’s quality assurance designee for the Home Energy Rating System, contributing to the construction of Energy Star Labeled Homes. His commitment to excellence was further exemplified during the pandemic when he played a pivotal role in designing and constructing temporary ICU units at Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck, New Jersey.
Tony’s contributions were instrumental in the award-winning efforts of his team, showcasing his dedication to both his profession and the well-being of others. Vassallo holds a Bachelors degree in Physics.

Our Philosophy
At Wellhome, our philosophy revolves around a simple yet profound principle: investing in the right tools for every job. We believe that precision and excellence begin with having the correct resources at our disposal. From the first nail to the final touch, we spare no expense in ensuring that we’re equipped to do the job right the first time.

Why? Because we understand that efficiency and quality are not just aspirations; they’re the cornerstones of our commitment to our clients. By utilizing the best tools available, we streamline the construction process, making it smoother and quicker, while never compromising on the standards of craftsmanship that define our work.

Customer satisfaction is at the heart of everything we do. We recognize that each project is unique, with its own set of challenges and requirements. That’s why we prioritize understanding and meeting our customers’ needs above all else. Whether it’s through innovative solutions or time-tested methods, we strive to enlighten our clients with new ideas while ultimately delivering on their wants and expectations.

At Wellhome, we don’t just build structures; we build relationships. By prioritizing excellence, efficiency, and -centricity, we aim not only to meet but to exceed expectations, ensuring that every project is a testament to our unwavering commitment to quality and client satisfaction.